Tuesday, December 14, 2004 |
Exam Week |
You know whats the best part about Exam Week??? The fact that I only take ONE real final. Heck yes, life is good. So newayz, ass you all know (or may not know) I was in Pat's play. Yay!!!!(sarcasm). But I wasnt too dissapointed, cuz it was a cool script and Shiree was in it too. (Shiree can make anything better) But then I found out that I'm going to Dallas with Stin and some other folks to tour the Taylor Publishing factory or whatever, the place where they make the yearbooks, the day when the show opens. So, dang, I can't act in the One Acts.
The girl's won their Bball game against them heifers from Conroe. During the game, this one girl (#12) with a really fake ponytail (It was light brown; her hair was black, and you could practically see the track lines) kept going up against Morgan and falling down and getting hurt. Just to give you a visual: Morgan is like 6'4. She was around 5'3. So she would go to shoot and Morgan would slap the ball out of her hand, and I'd be all like "What are you thinking!!!??? She's 8 foot 12!!!!! You're not gonna winn!!!!Give up!" But the little hafa persisted. The next time Morgan killed her when she went to take a shot, #12 exclaimed, "You can't DO THAT!!!!", so, our slogan for the rest of the game was "You can't DO THAT"!!!!
Then, during a time-out, CHS's fat cheerleaders began to cheer.
"CHS is the best, aint no messin round!" all 4 of them yelled halfheartedly as the tried their best to look like they didnt have hangovers.
So while they were cheering, we all started going,
and the heifers shut up.
And then we won HA!
posted by DeAndre' @ 4:06 PM   |
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