Monday, December 06, 2004 |
Hey everybody |
Whazzup yall, its me just checking in and sayin heyyy!!! To the person who posted a message and is amanda, I'm terribly sorry, but I know like 36 1/2 amanda's and im not quite entirely sure which one you are, so please, post and leave your last name por favor!!!
Ok this is about Mandi. What do i say about Mandi??? She is Mexican.....We were in like 3 shows together...Charlotte's Web and El Diario de Anne Frank...ok thats like two, and she's dating/not dating the awesomest person I know...and thats all.
I am having surgery on my knee on the 21st. i am sure it will suck in the most royally sucky way. Ill be on crutches for aboot 6 weeks, so wave at me and say "Hey GIMP!!!!"
I hope I'm in Brett's play....If I'm in anyone else's....I WILL KILL THEm...ok, j/k, but I hope in Mr. Houston's.
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:23 PM   |
2 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
hi....this is emma ....umm i lke you and youre cool....the end.....oh and hahahaha
It would be funny if only you werent in Christa's...
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hi....this is emma ....umm i lke you and youre cool....the end.....oh and hahahaha