Wednesday, December 01, 2004 |
My finished review for the school Newspaper |
Destiny's Child went back to the recording studio for their latest album, "Destiny Fulfilled". After a three year hiatus, the group has reunited despite rumours of its demise. The eagerly anticipated album offers more of the same of what Destiny's Child has given us in albums past which is, depending on how you look at it, good or bad; Beyonce featuring Kelly, with very little Michelle. The CD has several memorable songs, but unfortunately, just as many unmemeorable ones.
The 11 track album starts out strong, with the drum-cadenced filled dance anthem "Lose My Breath", produced by hit maker Rodney Jerkins. After this top 10 hit, the album begins to falter. The next track is "Soldier" featuring T.I. and Lil' Wayne, co-produced by Rich Harrison, who's work on Beyonce's solo effort, "Crazy In Love" helped to propel it to # 1 on the charts. "If your status ain't hood/I aint checkin' for ya/ Gotta be street if ya lookin' at me/ I need a Soldier", the ladies sing sassily to any men listneng who might have the nerve to even try and be polite to them. "(I need) a rude boy that's good to me/ wit street credibillity", Kelly sings, pleading for a "soldier".
The album continues on its ever-quickening descent into the dregs with the next track, "Cater 2 U", quite possibly the song that will set the Women's Liberation Movement back 30 years. In this Rodney Jerkins produced song, the trio pledges undying servitude to their men. Throughout the bland ballad, the ladies promise to serve their men in any way, including (but not limited to): feeding them, running bathwater, and giving a manicure and footrub. Kelly furthur emphasizes her love by singing that she will "keep her hair fixed", "keep rocking the hottest outfits" and that "when you come home late (just) tap me on my shoulder/ I'll roll over". In between DC's last album "Survivor" and this one, they somehow went from being "Independent Women" to Stepford Wives, seemingly trying to imitate the success of other hip-hop "badgirls" (like Lil' Kim, Khia, and Ciara).
The album continues to further fail listener's expectations with the sex-inspired "T-Shirt", a song about how great it is to wear your boyfriend's T-Shirt. The song starts out with Beyonce trying as hard as possible to flush any reputation as a Gospel singer that she ever had down the drain. She begins, "...Hey baby, I wish you can see what I have on right now/...imagine how intense it would be/...to hold me right now". One has to wonder, how does Michelle (the newset member of the group, who has released two Gospel albums), feels about singing, "Boy I been waiting/ Now my body's shaking/ You're so deep/...take it easy".
The album stumbles through several more tracks, including the emotional but lackluster "Girl", and the mediocore, bubble-gum sounding "Bad Habit". The album's only redeeming quality is the pleading, catchy, piano-infused "Through With Love", easily the best feature on the recording. "I've given so much in the past/ For a love I never had/ I'm through with it through with it (love)/ I'm finally givin' it up" The trio croons, showing tremendous vocal range and quality. With "Destiny Fulfilled", the R&B trio tries to appeal to a more urban/hip-hop audience, but unfortunatley, it doesn't work, instead they come off looking (and sounding) like 14 year olds caught playing dressup with their grandmother's clothes - foolish.
The album was recorded in only 3 weeks, and it looks as if this lackluster group effort is only a segue to a solo album (Beyonce's). The only saving grace throughout this entire CD is the fact that these girls can actually sing.While the album shows some personal growth on behalf of the group, they fail their listeners by changing their persona too radically. What ever happened to the Destiny's Child who wore army clothes and sang songs about "surviving", their "emotions" and being "bootylicious"? Perhaps DC should return to what they know best, because "Destiny Fufilled" just doesn't make the cut.
-DeAndre' Upshaw, Guest Writer |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:06 PM   |
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