Sunday, March 20, 2005 |
Old Navy! Old Navy! Old Navy Performance Fleece! |
So to whomever left me that comment, thanks. Todayat church it was Family and Friends Day, so that was pretty cool, even though it wasn't over till about 6. I'm watching Desperate Housewives after its 2 week hiatus, and I'm definately slightly confused. So here is my Spring Break Schedule (so you can see how loser-ish I am)
Monday - Hair Braided - 12
Tuesday - Nothing
Wednesday - Rehab -4
Church -6
Thursday - Choir Rehearsal - 7
Friday - THEATRE!
Saturday - THEATRE!
So call me and we'll hang, because I'm sure Ill be bored.
Nobody likes me.
Ok, hopefully thats not true, but I'm so bored sometimes. Last night my family and I went to the TSU track meet at Rice last night, and it was alright, but being packed in a stadium, standing room only, with black people all around is pretty exhausting. I felt bad for whoever had to clean that up, because there was so much trash, as we were leaving it looked like people sitting all over the seats.
So, I'm gonna go sit now and watch television. I'm so bloody bored. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:33 PM   |
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