Saturday, March 19, 2005 |
We bout to throw them bows.. |
Went and saw The Ring 2 last night with Bretters, Shiree, Mad Cow, Arelle and Jake. It was really not that good of a movie to me. I apologize to the people to the left of me, because I was snoring through some of it.
Oh well.
Gah, some people are just so weird. Freakin stupid theatre people, one of them I don't like (it wont be hard for those of you who know me to tell who this is) took out one of the props for the show, a package of sanitary napkins from the 99c store, took them out and started rubbing them all over his face and making this moany expression. HOW WEIRD IS THAT! He was like, "you just dont understand humor, and besides, these are clean". That doesn tmake it any better now does it? Just the act of doing that and thinking it was funny (while no one else did) made him even weider. He (lets just call him CAMERA PHONE) had the nerve to walk up to me in the lunch line and say, "Why can't we be friends", and I said, "BECAUSE YOURE CREEPY AND WEIRD"! really loud and everyone laughed at him. Then he kept "tiffing" with me all throughout production class and I feel really bad for him, because he's trying to play the dozens with me, and most people who do, don't get very far.
I'm going to my cousin's track meet tonight so that may be where I am.
SPRING BREAK!!!!! I'm not doing anything so invite me somewhere. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 12:06 PM   |
2 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
I am so thrilled that someone finally left me a comment, but I have no idea who you are. Maybe I'm such a loser that only random people sign my blog. Oh well, Thanks!
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