Thursday, August 03, 2006 |
Sushi from WALMART? |
Seeing as though my life is basically a revolving door of reality television, i got to thinking about something as I watched "Who Wants To Be A Superhero" on Sci-Fi (which is actually a decent how, IMO) - how bad would it suck to be the guy that got kicked off, or left for a stupid reason?
There was that hag Cassandra in Next Top Model, I think Cycle 5 or something, who wh ined about having her hair cut and dyed, even though she looked alot better afterwards. So she cried and weeped, until Mr Jay told her that she could go on and step if she wanted to. And she did.
She said something about how she wasnt going to let anyone walk all over her....Ummm isnt that the reason your on Top Model? Not to let someone walk over you, but to give you direction? I thought finally there was a smart mom when Cassandra was on the phone and her mom said, "Think about this...hair grows back" in sort of a oh-my-god-you-are-stupid-how-did-you-come-out-of-me way.
The next was on "Who Wants To Be a Superhero" where whats-his-face was eliminated in the first 35 seconds, when there was an undercover "mole" who exposed some things they said behind the scenes. Apparently he wanted to sell action figures of his superhero, and superheros (accordi ng to Stan Lee) don't do that ish. There would be a picture, except he really did get kicked off in like the first 35 seconds and I cant remember his name.
Then there's Keith from PR3. Oh Keith, we hardly knew ye's squinty eyed head roll. Keith was caught with instructional how-to books, which, as the contestants (KAYNE) pointed out, are totally illegal. Too bead he was one of the best, even with his weird attitude and awkward comments (Laura's BAD MOMMY. I had a GOOD MOMMY).
Oh, and I went to Wal-Mart today, and they had remodeled and gotten all this new stuff, and at the entrance was this sign that said, "NEW! Sushi..from WALMART" and I exclaimed very loudly, catching the attention of the elderly receipt checker/greeter, that who in their right mind would buy sushi from Walmart? That was until I saw the free samples of it set out, and hey, who am I to turn down a free sample? It was pretty good, but I gotta tell ya, Ive been feelin kinda gassy since I ate it *burp*
Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:36 PM   |
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