
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Surgery Whomps
It whomps really bad.

I awoke from my drug induced slumber after the operation, and proceeded to beat down 5 or 6 nurses.

Then I uncontrllably shook for aboot 30 minutes.

So I slept through most of my Xmas break. It wasnt that bad...Daytime TV sux tho.

So newayze I am all crutched up, and I have like 13 staples in my knee. I didnt even know they were in there until the doctor refreshened my bandages. I mean, what if I had decided to take an impromptu trip to San Francisco, or The Motherland or something? I wouldn't make it past the metal detectors, and I would've had no idea why. Hmmph.

So, big shout outs to my frienz who came over and watched Nap Dy with me (Napoleon Dynamite, DUH). You helped speed up my recover greatly. You and my good friend Hydrocoedeine.

Sigh, well I'll catch all you groovy cats and kittens on the fipside. L

Lata, Me.
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:37 PM  
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Name: DeAndre'
Home: Waco, Texas, United States
Who Am I?: This one time I decided that everything in my life would be in musical form. ANd everyone would automatically know the words and the choreography and sing on key. You see how well that turned out.
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