Sunday, May 08, 2005 |
I'd Marry You All Over Again |
You know what other commercial I hate that I just saw? The "A Diamond is Forever" commercial where this man takes his wife to some random place in Europe, and they are standing in this crowded square with a fountain in the middle, and he's like "If I could, I 'd marry you all over again" and she's all, "ahhhhhh, hone-" and then she looks around at all the "strangers" and they are actually people from her life! Her parents and other random people/kids she played with when she was little/man she bumped into at the post office this morning/stalkers. And then the husband proposes, beacuse he is so clever. I wonder if he payes all those people airlines bills to fly out just so he could be "clever". Hmmph. He'd have hd to pay for my ticket, the scarf i bought cuz it was cold, and the peaunts I ate on the plane.
Funny site |
posted by DeAndre' @ 2:35 PM   |
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