Monday, May 02, 2005 |
Its Been A Long Time |
So officially, this weekend was about the best weekend of my life. Prom was so awesome, I can't even really describe it. But I will try, because I know you probably have nothing better to do with your life than read this (I mean, why else would you be here if your life wasn't so boring and you werent such a loser?)
Around 3:45-ish I began showering and getting reeady to go to the event. My tuxedo was pretty good, but kindof big. I had to safety-pin it to keep it in place. I am scheduled to pick up D at 4:30
My mom forces me to take several pictures around the house featuring me standing stoically by plants and junk. She even makes my dad pose one were she "fixes" my boutineir (sp)
At 4:15 I sit down at the computer to MapQuest directions to the beach, and my mom comes over and tries to "cut my split ends". Seeing as though this may work with cute little white suburban girls, this definatley doesn't work with me. I had my hair twisted for prom, and if she went to every individual twist and snipped it, when I took it down and picked out my hair, I'd have huge holes in my head.
At 4:20 D calls and informs me that she had to redo her hair at the salon for some reason and was just leaving. We are supposed to meet at Riverpointe in Conroe at 5:30 to take the obligatory group prom pics.
At 4:50 D calls and says that she is at her house I can come and pick her up.
I get to D's house at about 5 and wait for her to get ready.
5:03 D calls my mother into the room where she, her cousin, and her aunt are helping her get ready. My father and I sit akwardly on the couch watching Domonique's dog, which is about the size of a mouse, bark at us. It just sits and barks.
5:06 D rushes out of the in her dress and with her hair room and admonishes me not to look at her and goes upstairs in search of lip gloss.
5:08 Domonique's aunt tells her to hurry up.
5:12 Domonique's aunt tells her to hurry up some more.
We finally leave at 5:20 and rush over to Riverpointe following my dad, but not before we get lost somehow.
We spot our prom group, minus Brett and Shiree. We take some cool pictures and wait for them to come
They dont show up for a long time but it is cool because we have plent of time.
They finally show up, we take some more pics, and we load into the limo and head to Buca de Bepo's.
While in the limo, we decide that we are all young, glamarous and hot, and we decide to be celeberities. Here's who we all ended up being for the night:
Russel/Ashley: Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kornekova (sp)
Katti/Adam: Nick and Jessica
Me/Domonique: Jay-Z and Beyonce
and oddly enough,
Brett/Shiree: Bill Cosby and his wife Cammile
So, we eat get to Buca's and we walk out of the limo after promising each other that when we meet the stares of strangers who admire our beauty, we will say matter-of-factly,
"Yes, I know what you are thinking. Yes, we just got out of a limo, and yes, I am very famous."
So we sat down to eat and we ate sooooo much. Near the end of the meal, we broke out into Brett and I's song, Contagious, and Dominique got the role of Chante, while I was R. Kelly, and Brett was Mr. Biggs.
8:00 We departed from Buca's after deciding that we wanted to be fashionably late, but we also didn't want to stand in line to take pictures. We coreograph a dance that we will all do when we get to prom, the Harlem Shuffle.
8:10 the limo driver is lost in the Woodlands.
8:12 Brett rolls down the little window and shows our driver, Mike how to get to the country club.
8:19 We arrive at the country club looking very fly.
8:26 I inform the DJ that he must play something crunk so that I may get busy.
He played this techno music, and in turn, our prom group did the Harlem Shuffle which we had practiced and prepared for in the limo.
We were the best group at prom, we had so much fun. Btw, My bestest buddy got Prom King, so yeah, we are pimps.
11:34 we dance our last dance and leave the prom.
1:46(est) we arrive at the beachouse. Russel, Brett, and Adam decide to run around the beach...
I look idly on.
Then I helped Brett set up his little boat. It was very cold.
Jrard walks by with a beverage in his hand and asks if he can come up.
He is politely declined.
Ashley S decides to go over to El Casa de Weed 8 houses down and "talk"
We let her go.
Russel breaks out his guitar and every joins him outside to sing songs that I've never heard of.
I sit inside and watch an infomercial about a steaming cleaner while all of this is going on. It was too d cold.
Everyone comes in (because hey ! they realized that it was too d cold) and we watch police chases for a while.
Ashley returns.
5:27 we decide to go to sleep.
We do.
7:00 we wake up and smell each others morning breath.
We swim and do all that cool stuff during the day.
At some point Domonique, who was feeling pretty sick, decides to go back home with Ashley S, and she does.
I call my dad to ask if I can stay tonight and miss school tommorow. He puts up no fight and simply asks if I have enough clean underwear (which I do). He says yes (score)
We sit inside and luxuriate and think about how awesome we are. At some point some very inebriated people walk onto our porches with alcohol. We figure if we all go inside, they will get the hint and leave.
They do.
An hour later 2 of the alcies come back and ask to use our lighter. What for, we ask? We just want to...grill some things they say. Are you going to use it to smoke weed, we ask. ...No they say. We throw the lighter at them and tell them to leave and to make sure they give it back to us.
we go swimming in the freezing salt water.
The alcies return our lighter.
Brett and Adam have procured boogie boards and proceed to swim out into it. The water is very salty. I realize this after inadvertantly drinking a gallon of it.
The alcies leave; they have to be at school tommorow.
We go inside and dry off and decide to have lunch. Adam and Brett, the master chefs make hot dogs.
They are good. We watch Old School and everybody falls asleep so we decide to nap.
We nap for a bit.
I wake up and me, Russel and Adam watch American Pie 2. I fall asleep.
Adam's parents come and check on us. They stay for a while, and everything is cool.
We find out at a man on one of the neighboring houses far down the beach, has drowned and they are looking for his body; we become somber as we see the coast guard come in with helicopters and boats, searching for him.
We take it inside, and just watch some tv.
Later that night, we play Twister, and we all know how fun that is.
Brett and Adam make burgers and beans; the burgers are awesome....the beans...well, ....
We go to sleep relativley early, about 1
We wake up at 8:15 and realize that everyone else is in school and we are not.
We cheer.
We eat ice cream for breakfast.
We clean
We clean some more
We clean some more
And finally the house is restored to its orignal (yet odly, very crooked) order.
We leave at 10:57
We eat at Chilli's.
I have fajita quesadillias with this gross lemon rice.
We get home.
Brett doesnt let me pee and i hit him.
He wins and gets to the bathroom first.
I sulk and throw his things out of the car and leave.
Ha !
I take my tuxedo back a day late and dont have to pay the $22
late fee because the guy doesnt feel like dealing with a DL number.
I come home and veg out and then write this.
So there you have it. My prom ecperience. Awesome. I should have some pics up (I took 233), but Hello doesnt seem to work on my computer. Oh, well.
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:09 PM   |
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