Saturday, October 01, 2005 |
Me and The Smelly Weirdo of the Week! |
So Baylor lost to the Aggies..that sucks, but I am majorly underwhelemd by it. Here's a little homoerotica from the big loser's side (and by losers I don't mean the ones who actually lost the game, but the losers in life, who are the aggies.) Don't they look gay-uh?
Does Jack Black disturb anyone else? We watched some movie with him in it in Mass Comm and everytime I see him, I just think, man, go get your grille fixed dude. If I saw him on the street, I'd alert the authorities, then perform a citezens arrest, and then go to a bar, buy a bottle of alcohol, break it over his face, and then rub the alcohol into his bleeding, cut face. Seriously though, he looks like he has a really bad body odor. So, Jack Black now gets out first feature of the week. Here is Jack Black as the
Smelly Weirdo of The Week!
 Congats to you, Jack Black! Congrats.
Also, you might have noticed that I've added a music video clip right over to the left. I'll change this probably every time I post, and always keep the controls on for my loyal (snicker) readers who want it off. Peace. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:03 PM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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