Thursday, May 11, 2006 |
The Poseidon Adventure!!!!!!!!!! |

Currently watching (why?) Last Call with Carson Daly
I just saw The Poseidon Adventure. It was meh, good at best, but the characters didnt really get as developed as you would think.
So tommorow, I get to see Mr Mayo, and if you know anything, I have not seen the Codeman since my Jr Year in High School, and we are finally reuniting at Grapevine Mills Mall at 3:45, how exciting is that?! I hadnt even seen a picture of him until about last month when Bef showed me his myspace, andhere we are/ We're gonna have an awesome time...Ill holla at you kids later, because Im gonna nap....peace...
D. Urban |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:50 PM   |
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