Sunday, March 26, 2006 |
The UnCola (UnCoke, that is) |
 Currently listening to Friend of God by Israel and New Breed
I am addicted to freakin soda.
It snuck up on me. I am addicted to carbonated beverages. And not just any.
Dr Pepper products.
That's right, one of my new favorite drinks is RC Cola. I can't even drink coke, it just isn't as tasty.
Stupid Baylor, brainwashing students, what with its Chrisitanity and delicous caramel colored beverages.
Check out this link to RC Cola, I think in the Middle East. It is quite trippy.
I just had one, it is darn delicious. I also now enjoy Dr Pepper, from the tap, of course.
Thats why I don't understand why people loooooooooove to drink alcohol. Why pay like 5 dollars for a drink that stings your throat when you could shell out 60 cents for a delicious frosty can of delicious liquified sugar? |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:33 PM   |
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