A couple of weeks ago I brought my white, messianic Jewish friend Camren along with me and some others to see Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married" (awesome, by the way). During the movie, I became increasingly aware of some of the differences in watching a movie with predominately white audiences and black audiences.
During the movie, there were hoots and hollers all the way through out. During one particularly pivotal scene (I won't ruin it, but "I got it from WALTER!") when there is a lot of exposition, about half of the people in the audience stood up and hollered. There was applause, fingers waving in the air, and "tell it like it t-i-s!"'s abounding.
 There was plenty of spicy yelling during the movie, which really warranted it. Which makes me think about the differences in surrounding when black people move in between a black and white world. It always struck me as funny when I get in a group of friends that are all black, and the way we refer to white people; we are never "honky" this, and "cracker" that, but there are just little things that we know that the outside world doesn't. It's like being in an exclusive club.
When I'm in predominately white crowds in the movie theatre I usually restrain myself from yelling at the screen. People who watch movies with me know this, as I feel that watching a movie is a community experience. Its always more fun when you are watching Halloween and homegirl falls to the ground and you scream "Will you pick your dumb behind up!?!?! So stupid, she just had to fall right there. Wrong, honey, just wrong."
Awesome page where I got the scrap of paper in the upper corner.Labels: issues of race, random thought |