Yes, yes, I know, its been awhile (almost a year) but I decided to come back with some heat for you people! Cause I know you loves it so much.
Right now I am actually kind of sick. I'm getting over it but my head is still hurting a bit. I should be at the radio station right now working, but I really don't feel like it. Plus I have Swahili homework.
Speaking of, Swahili = not as easy as everyone thinks. Everytime I say to someone, "Hey, I'm in Swahili!" They are all, "It's so easy isn't it!"
It's probably not as difficult as Spanish at Baylor, but it's still pretty difficult..I mean, its an entirely new language.
I digress.
On to unfreshness! Which is a bit old at this point, but I figured someone would get a kick out of it. This is Beyonce performing at the AMA's with some random country lady, and I'm not gonna lie, she sounds a hot funky mess.
What keeps getting me is the way home girl is struggling to hit those notes. "Ha-haa-ha-ha-hee-he-hayiyayayayya."
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Name: DeAndre' Home: Waco, Texas, United States Who Am I?: This one time I decided that everything in my life would be in musical form. ANd everyone would automatically know the words and the choreography and sing on key. You see how well that turned out. Read More! You know you want to!