Wednesday, January 05, 2005 |
School, School, School |
So we came back to school on Monday, much to my dismay. I am sooooo glad I only have 5 more months of this and then I graduate.
Newayz, we haven't seen each other in a while, how are you? I am fine, thanks.
My break was as good as a break can be without actually doing anything. The only real goodtimes of my Christmas holidays was doing junk with Brett. I am a geek and NEVER really do any kind of normal stuff, like just hang out, and my good buddy Brett was nice enough to help me around in my be-crutched state.
Also over the break I lost my dadgum wallet. I left the house like once to go pick my sis up from basketball practice and I lost it. I had my entire life in there - Student ID, Driver's Licence, and some money (I know, its sad that thats my entire life). GRRRRRRR. Now I have to go to DPS and get a new one. I've been driving illegally for like the past week.
The only good thing about being on crutches at school is that I have a handicap parking spot. When they renovated the school last year they added like 20 new handicapped parking spots. Unfortunately, only like 3 students in the entire school can use them year round.
Bwah. School is so BOOOOORING.
At least I'm not like this one guy I know, who's entire life revolves around ONE thing, and he sucks at it. I mean really. Its funny, because he tries really hard, but like everybody else in the entire world is better than him. This person also seems to believe that he and I are really good friends. Unfortunately he is sadly mistaken.
He'll like say something to me and I'll be all "Shut up, I hate you", and he'll go "Hahahaha, You're so funny DeAndre", and I'll be like, "No, I'm serious. I can't stand you".
He just doesn't seem to get the hint. One time he came and sat next to me and I got up and moved.
I'm suprised he didn't follow me.
The girl's lost to Klein last night by 10 points. I was really angry because we could've won the game but the girls just made 5 mistakes too many.
My leg is really freaking numb. I have no idea why, but its been numb since the surgery. That doesn't seem to be a good thing...
I bid you all adieu. Goodnight.
Music Mood: I Can't Stand the Rain" by Missy Elliot |
posted by DeAndre' @ 4:54 PM   |
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