Monday, February 07, 2005 |
Untitled |
So I'm thinking to myself:
Why surround yourself with people who seem to hur you alot? The logical explanation would be to cut these people off from your life, but for some reason, we don't. We should but we don't. So I guess the question I'm asking is, why stay in a postiton that seems to bring only pain when there are so many other options available.
The friends that I have (you know who you are) I have because I like them for who they are and they like me for who I am. I don't feel I have to change in order to be friends with them. Hmmmm.
I've also recently been informed that I have somewhat of a personal shell that I keep hidden from others. That's cool, I guess. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:24 PM   |
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