Saturday, March 26, 2005 |
Bad Commercials |
After reading that (see previous post), I'm gonna have to agree that commercials are really stupid. Like all the maxi-pad and tampon commercials. Do they really come out with new additions to them every week? I mean, no matter how much you advertise, people are still going to need, *cough*, you know... And those stupid Jamster commercials. "If you'd like to have naked woman made of ice on your cellphone, dial 35 553 right now". NO! Why would I pay you for that when I could illegally download it from the internet? Or that Bounty commercial where that weird Bounty man is making a cake in a kitchen and the announcer is talking all sexy? That is the creepiest ish I've ever seen, and I've seen some creepy junk. Right now, even as I tye, the stupid "Ice Breakers Liquid Ice Commercial" with Ugly Duff and Uglier Duff is on and its so insipid. I didn't work with Jessica Simpson (Who is far prettier), what makes them think itll work with the Fug Sisters?
HAHAHAHAHA, this is so funny. If any of yall have commercials you hate, leave a comment.
So funny. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:01 PM   |
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