Thursday, March 31, 2005 |
happy |
So yeah, I'm pretty mecurial with the way I feel these days. For some ungodly reason I have nothing to do tonite. I just made some pancakes at like 6:30 and yes they were good. I'm such a good effing cook. I am positively rocking out right now, listening to some oldschool Babyface and feeling all good. I'll post the song later, its a duet with Mariah Carey. So prom has been pretty much sufficiently smoothed over, I think were gonna go with Brett (my best friend ever in the entire world) despite SOMEONE trying to poison that idea. Today we did Tech at Klein Collins and I sincerely hope we advance to the next level. The stage at Klein is, to put it mildly, a lot better than ours. It should be, since the school was built only like 3 years ago. THis is the school where that unfortunate girl in the basketball game goes. My sister is on a team with her, and I feel bad for her. So, that person I dislike is grating my nerves again. Oh yeah, at Hunstville I was totally being macked on by this short girl from Huntsville. She like, came up to our room and was like Hey, and then we talked for a while, and she was all up in my biscuits, yamean. Also from Huntsville, we got our new Yearbook Ad campaign, it looks like : A aheet of paper that says :
Who could forget faces like these?
and under it, a class section spread from an older yearbook.
and under that: You will. Order a yearbook now!
It looks so pimp, yes I am a genius for being able to completely steal something from another school, bwahahaha.
I was in sort of a weird mood today, for, I duont know, but I get pretty stressed sometimes. Between this play, managing yearbook, church, school (oh yeah, i forgot about actual clasess) I get really stretched quite thin.
Yeah thats aboot it for now, competition tommorow at Klein Collins at 5:00, come see it if you are so inclined. Itll be great if we advance. Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:40 PM   |
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