
Thursday, March 31, 2005
So yeah, I'm pretty mecurial with the way I feel these days. For some ungodly reason I have nothing to do tonite. I just made some pancakes at like 6:30 and yes they were good. I'm such a good effing cook. I am positively rocking out right now, listening to some oldschool Babyface and feeling all good. I'll post the song later, its a duet with Mariah Carey. So prom has been pretty much sufficiently smoothed over, I think were gonna go with Brett (my best friend ever in the entire world) despite SOMEONE trying to poison that idea. Today we did Tech at Klein Collins and I sincerely hope we advance to the next level. The stage at Klein is, to put it mildly, a lot better than ours. It should be, since the school was built only like 3 years ago. THis is the school where that unfortunate girl in the basketball game goes. My sister is on a team with her, and I feel bad for her. So, that person I dislike is grating my nerves again. Oh yeah, at Hunstville I was totally being macked on by this short girl from Huntsville. She like, came up to our room and was like Hey, and then we talked for a while, and she was all up in my biscuits, yamean. Also from Huntsville, we got our new Yearbook Ad campaign, it looks like : A aheet of paper that says :

Who could forget faces like these?

and under it, a class section spread from an older yearbook.

and under that:
You will. Order a yearbook now!

It looks so pimp, yes I am a genius for being able to completely steal something from another school, bwahahaha.

I was in sort of a weird mood today, for, I duont know, but I get pretty stressed sometimes. Between this play, managing yearbook, church, school (oh yeah, i forgot about actual clasess) I get really stretched quite thin.

Yeah thats aboot it for now, competition tommorow at Klein Collins at 5:00, come see it if you are so inclined. Itll be great if we advance. Lata
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:40 PM  
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Name: DeAndre'
Home: Waco, Texas, United States
Who Am I?: This one time I decided that everything in my life would be in musical form. ANd everyone would automatically know the words and the choreography and sing on key. You see how well that turned out.
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