Wednesday, April 06, 2005 |
This is for the lover in you |
I was driving Kwoka home today from rehearsal when I got to the 4-Way stop on Richards, right, and I got to the stop sign, and the guy to the right got there about the same time, and even though technically I got there first, I realize that not everyone pays attention like me, so I waited for like 12 seconds for him to go. He doesn't so I start moving and then as soon as I get into the turn he tries to go, stops, then glares at me. Then he makes a "C" with his hand. Like Conroe Hig. It was so weird. Today iI'm in a squicky mood. I dont know why, but I think its because Im under a lot of stress, and even though I've been under it for a long time, now I just don't have the energy to act like I'm in a good mood. I'm not. I'm tired, lonely, and I feel somewhat depressed, but not in a major sort of way; it feels good to be like this for a little while, and not be fronting, so I may be like this for a little bit. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:23 PM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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