Monday, April 18, 2005 |
Two Hotties, Yes! |
Saturday night was actually a very interesting night, or actually, day. I woke up at 8:00 and watched a Girlfriends marathon on BET. 20 straight episodes of Diana Ross's daughter and her weird hair. Anyone else who watches the show can also back me up that she has this weird thing with v-neck shirts and dresses. She is ALWAYS wearing them to accentuate her chest or something, I don't know. So, I did very little, cleaned up about one, didn't have ANY food in the house so I made myself some hors'derves - Ritz crackers with pieces of cut-up lunchmeat, cheese, and BBQ sauce. It wasn't as nauseating as it sounds. So around 7-ish, 8-ish, I hooked up with Jake and we went on an adventure. Saturday night was the Academy Banquet and Jake's girlfriend, Arielle Marie Hill is, well, in the Academy. After the banquet we were all supposed to go to Anson Ngyuen's house (he lives on a freaking lake or something, i dunno, in The Woodlands) and so I drove all the way out to Jake's work which is down past Kuykehdal (sp whatever) and then we drove back to the Mariott, because we had been assured that the banquet would be over by 9. Well, it got to be 10:00 and the banquet still wasn't over. So, I was freakishly hungry, so we went to Chik-fil-a and I got an "Icedream" ice cream cone and a brownie. it was dang good. The grossest bug was on my neck, though. I killed it and jumped around a lot, as Jake looked on. So then we were still bored and waiting so we went to Target, because I had a card with like $6.00 left on it. So, me being the stupid person that I am left my wallet in the car so we didn't purchase anything. So were in there just looking at stuff to pass the time and then suddenly all the lights went out. Then this voice comes over and is all like, "Attention Target Customers. Target is closing". What kinda stuff is that? They could at least given us a warning that they were about to kick us out. I mean, something like, "The store is closing in 10 minutes" or "5 minutes" or even "Hurry up and chose which bed linen your going to buy because were kicking your A out." Just a warning is all. So after we got kicked out of Target we went across the street to the Marriott. We pulled up to the front of it, and there were all these girls in prom dresses but they were at some other function. This pale redhead girl who I SWEAR was like 15 years old walks up to the car and starts talking to Jake. I thought he knew her, but its obvious she was crazy. Here's the conversation:
CRAZY REDHEAD GIRL WITH THICK GERMAN-LiKE ACCENT(CRG): "Zhou two have rzhoom numberrrs, yes?" (You two have room numbers, yes?)
JAKE: Um,....no.
CRG: Zhoo Bahd Forrr Yoouuuu! (Too bad for you!)
(turns to her friends)
CRG: Zhoo Hotties in dis car, yas?! (2 hotties in this car, yes?!)
And then she ran off. What a crazy heifer.
So the banquet still wasn't over, so Jake and I went to Coldstone on Market Street and got some ice cream. We called every person that we knew in the Academy, but none of them answered. Finally the banquet let out and Arielle came to meet us at 11:05. Unfortunately my curfew was 12:00 and it took 30 minutes to get to and from Anson's house. Oh well. I had fun anyway.
MK, I'm gonna go pay some bills, ttyl.
-D |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:17 PM   |
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