Tuesday, May 17, 2005 |
Blog ! |
So yeah, I know everyones been waiting to see whats going on in my life and whatnot (hahaha, Katti), but I've been busy doing a whole lot of nothing. See, I was recently diagnosed with senioractis itacdtis, which is a fun way of saying senioritis. Luckily, I got it a just the right time, because there is no more work to do in High School. Really, all I do all day is work on the yearbook and watch movies in all of my classes. I've spent a uttload of time on Market Street too - I went on Friday after the Yearbook Banquet (which rocked, btw - it was on a boat and we broke it down all proper-like) with Arielle and Jake, and we ate at Coldstone. It was good. Saturday, I went to a movie with Brett, Mandi, Sherrie, and Erica, but Shiree got sick during the movie and left. It was Unleashed, with Jet Li and it was really good. Then afterard we went (you guessed it!) to Coldstone on Market Street, and got more really good ice cream. On Sunday after being in church for 5 HOURS (really - not exagerrating) I went and helped Ferro with the scrapbook, and then went home and settled in for some good old fashioned Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. Then on Monday I was soooooo bored, so I called Jake (via my house phone, of course, because I don't have ANY minutes) and me, him and Arielle went to (wow, you're really good if you got this one right) Market Street. But as were walking down Market Street, this man comes up and he's all like, "Do you'all want free passes to the movie theatre's grand opening at 7" and we were like, yeah. it was 6:59, so we went to the Movie Theatre, there were like 8 people there, and we goot a free movie, free drinks (with free refills) and popcorn (with free refillls). We saw Be Cool, and it was awesome being the first people to watch a movie in the theatre, before the floor gets all sticky. So if that wasn't awesome enough, I think I may have almost scored a job at Johnny Rockets....I need a job so bad. Then tonight I went to Powder Puff and took pictures...it was a waste of my life, too long, and my leg hurt. But besides that, all smiles! *sarcasm*
Then after that, me, Jake, and Arielle went to (omg can you guess where?!) Market Street, except I realized that I was eating to much Ice Cream and went to the new Starbucks and got a Tazo Tea...It was dang good. Ok, so thats aboot it, I'll try and blog more later, Senior Awards not on Wednesday, Choir Rehearsal on Thursday, Friday?????????
One, DeAndre' |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:12 PM   |
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