
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Yeast...seriously, Yeast

Currently listening to
Its Time Now
by Tye Tribbett and GA

Do you know what i am sick of? Feminine hygiene commercials. Since its summer and I am yet employed, I spend a lot of time watching teh tube, and I tell you the truth, women have just about every single viable option in the world to take care of them. All we have is a choice between a gel or a solid.

I saw this commercial for something called "AZO Yeast Pills," and their slogan was "An AZO Yeast Pill a Day Keeps the Yeast Infection Away." WTF?

I even googled "AZO Yeast Pill" and came up with nothing, except women saying how it works. Something to do with cranberries...

Then, there is the most imaginative name for a product ever, "Yeastaway." Really. Couldn't think of anything more original? Or even remotely un...yeasty?

Come on people.

posted by DeAndre' @ 8:15 AM  
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Name: DeAndre'
Home: Waco, Texas, United States
Who Am I?: This one time I decided that everything in my life would be in musical form. ANd everyone would automatically know the words and the choreography and sing on key. You see how well that turned out.
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