Wednesday, May 31, 2006 |
Yeast...seriously, Yeast |
 Currently listening to Its Time Now by Tye Tribbett and GA
Do you know what i am sick of? Feminine hygiene commercials. Since its summer and I am yet employed, I spend a lot of time watching teh tube, and I tell you the truth, women have jus t about every single viable option in the world to take care of them. All we have is a choice between a gel or a solid.
I saw this commercial for something called "AZO Yeast Pills," and their slogan was "An AZO Yeast Pill a Day Keeps the Yeast Infection Away." WTF?
I even googled "AZO Yeast Pill" and came up with nothing, except women saying how it works. Something to do with cranberries...
Then, there is the most imaginative name for a product ever, "Yeastaway." Really. Couldn't think of anything more original? Or even remotely un...yeasty?
Come on people.
DUrban |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:15 AM   |
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