Tuesday, September 06, 2005 |
B A NA NA S! |
 So today I'm at Penland after my socacology class, and the television is tuned to some horrible soap opera - I dunno what it was about I wasn't following, but something about parents and kids, I don't know.
But in between were the commercials. Ah, the wonderful commercials.
As you may or may not know, I have a few issues with most of the commercials on the air today (check out a few of my earlier posts). They have issues...I mean, they make me want to kill myself.
So there is this commercial on for LAYS brand potato chips, and its the kind of corporate commercial where they show all the brands bearing the LAYS logo (You know...Kettle Cooked, the ripoff of Pringles called LAYS STAX).
Anyway, they kept showing these girls demurely eating chips while cleverly showcasing the LAYS logo on the bag.
From the expressions on their faces, it was clear that these girls were enjoying more than potato chips.
Yes, LAYS brand potato chips have cleverley figured out a way to compress all the goodness of sexual intercourse into a bag!
But I digress. The only thing that made me angry about this commercial is the fact that the girls in the commercial were the type who wouldn't be caught DEAD eating out of a full size bag of potato chips, I mean really. I can see it now.
Jim, Susan, James and Karen sit down to lunch at the school cafeteria. They pull out their lunchbags.
Jim: Mmmm, my mom made this awesome sandwich for me. Susan: Yes, As did my mother...James, that is a lovely piece of pizza you have there! James:Yes, Susan, I know what you're thinking, and yes, my mom made it from scratch 45 minutes ago!
Meanwhile, Karen has pulled out her fullsize bag of LAYS brand potato chips.
Jim: Wow, Karen...that sure is some lunch you've got there.
Karen cannot respond. She is too enraptured by the delicious fried potatos in her mouth. She looks demurely around the table at her friends, the slow-motion pops a chip in her mouth, smiling all the while.
Karen: Yes....YES!
 See, that's what would happen in the real world. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 12:45 PM   |
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