Friday, August 26, 2005 |
So, as a lot of ya'll know, I am running for freshman class pres at Baylor U. One of the big things I was going o do was to try and change the water quality, because, if you live near or around waco, you know the water tastes like deep fried soil. WHy is this? Nobody knows, but the most frightening thing occured today that makes me question all of humanity.
I drank the waco water and it was - get this - not as bad as I originally thought!
So the worst thing that could ever happen to me happened - I became a Waco local!
J/k. But the water didn't really taste as bad as I thought, probably because I'm getting used to it.
My classes are pretty cool, but Baylor is quite possible the coolest campus ever. I'm not kidding. Oh, I saw the 40 Year Old Virgin the other night, and it was hilareeeeeous. Even though I fell asleep in the middle of it, it is still pretty dang funny.
Well hey, Ima take a nap because I am really tired,. I just realized that picture makes my eyes look squinty. Oh well. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 1:31 PM   |
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