Wednesday, October 12, 2005 |
Me and The Ironies of My So Called Life |
So here in Waco we have this lovely little thing called the Super Saver movie theatre. The Super Saver is basically a smaller movie theatre owned by the big one down the road, that shows movies that are like two or three months old (Fantastic Four, War of the Worlds, ect). Well, the best thing about it is the tickets are $1.00 before 6:00, and $1.50 after. But Tuesdays are.....SuperSuper Saver days, and that means all day, tickets are 50 cents. Yes! Two quarters, 5 dimes, 4 dimes and two nickels, 10 nickels! We saw "The Cave" last night. The movie was only alright, but for 50 cents it was great.
So I am going home next weekend, isn't that awesome? Its "Fall Break", so were leaving Thursday after classes and coming back on Sunday. I am super excited.
So as you all may or may not know, my life sucks. Let me explain to you'all the many ironies that make up this thing I call life:
First Irony - On Monday morning I woke up at 8:30. My first class is at 9:00, across campus, a 15 minute walk. The only time the instructor takes attendance is when we have a quiz or test, and since its Theatre Appreciation (which I basically took except harder my soph. year), its the easiest thing ever. Anywho, we were supposed to have a quiz last class period, but we didn't so I figure we'll have it today, so I rush and get there exactly at 9:00. Well surprise surprise, there is no quiz! Isn't that awesome! No. Because I could be sleeping. ANyway, I decide to make the nice comfy chairs in the theatre my bed for the morning, and sleep until the end of class and make a big effort to wake up when he says, "Now everybody listen to this..." but some dumb girl next to mes cell phone goes off and I don't hear it. Doesn't that whomp?
Second Irony - Well, Monday we were also supposed to take our mentees fishing (which was awesome, btw). The last time I went on an outing with the kids to the park, I was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt,and I burnt up. It was so hot. So this time I vowed thast I would be young, hip, and cool. So I had on my Yale T-shirt and a pair of shorts, ready to go. Then I stepped outside (remeber, I was running freakishly late) and its raining. Hard. And cold. So I jave no choice but to forge half the day in shorts and a T-shirt and I froze my tail off.
Third Irony - At Penland, they have the Blue Bell Ice Cream counter, where they have all different varieties of Blue Bell Ice Cream that changes with availibility and until they run out. Well, the line was really long, but I saw that the flavors were: Butter Pecan White Chocolate and Almond Cotton Candy Dutch Chocolate and Birthday Cake
I really wanted that Birthday Cake ice cream. It is so good. So I waited in this loooong line (literally like 30 people) and so I got to the front, and said "Birthday Cake, please" and as I said this, the woman removed the little Birthday Cake ice cream label. I almost cried. I really wanted that, very badly. (In the picture, the arrow is pointing to the ice cream counter, which is blocked by the laughing girl's head)
Durn. The elevator makes a deep rumbling vibration on the floor everytime it moves, and its vibrating my chair as I write. I kept thinking I was having some weird gastro-intestinal problems, but in all actuality it was just the stupid eleveator. Dang YOU!!!! |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:10 AM   |
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