Sunday, December 04, 2005 |
Girls talk about the booty too. (Thats right) |
 Currently listening to: Girl Talk by TLC
So I'm not really listening to that song. I'm too tired to. But I am getting slightly sick which sucks big time. My right nostril is clogged up and leaking more than usual, which may or may not be a bad thing - I'm leaning towards the former.
Finals week. Last day of class is tommorow, I have a ridicoulously easy Theatre test and an Eng paper due, then CL interview, and then I can rest. Dead week (which is actually two days) starts on Tuesday, and (guess what) ends on Wednesday.
Huh. I just took some Airbore. Here's a review from it on Epinions:
Airborne is a miracle worker. I first started taking airborne a couple of weeks ago when I was deathly ill with the flu. I know the directions say to take it at the first sign of a cold, but I took it in the middle of my flu. I took one cup at night (with heated water so it tasted like tea) and within two hours it had eliminated my fever. I slept on it and the next morning, it cleared up my congestion, I could finally breathe through my nose. The following day I was much, much better. And the ginger helps so much since cold medicine makes my nauseous. It was so nice taking something that I was able to keep down. Ever since then every time I feel a scratch in my throat or start feeling the pressure behind the eyes, I turn to airborne. I have a feeling I wont be sick anymore this winter!
So hopefully, itll work for me. Im goin to bed. Holla. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:47 PM   |
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