Thursday, December 08, 2005 |
Lets Hook Up |

Currently listening to Stand Up For Love by Destiny's Child
My sister left the Destiny's Child Dual Disc #1's CD in my case, and I have to say, this is some of the grroviest music I've listened to in a while. I have all these songs, I've just not listened to them in awhile. And the new 'Stand Up For Love' single is all of that.
So today in Collins, while I was eating, the television machine was showing some Real World thing. You know, one of those "Things they didn't Show You, But We are Going To SHow You Now" type things, and I was pretty suprised at how stupid it was. It was just sex and drinking. Real World used to be so much more than that for me. *only a little bit of sarcasm* What happened to the Corals and Mikes, the Julies, that heifer Veronica, oooh and even that dirty hook Ruthie?
Then I was thinking how when I watched Laguna Beach how shocked I was when t hey kept casually saying that they "hooked up" with someone. On The Real World, "hooked up" meant have sex. Like, "Nehemiah totally hooked up in the Confession Room." When I was forced to watch the two episodes of Laguna Beach that I did, I was shocked whenever they would be all, "Becky totally hooked up with Seth at that party." Because they are younger (supposedly) than I am, and their casual sex is just being thrown about like their fake hair, and its all on tv! But then I was informed that "hook up" on on Laguna means to connect, or to make out or something.
I totally hooked up with Seline in the church's baptistry the other night. It was so cool...but life sucks right now...my BMW got totaled..yeah I was totally trashed, and my dad didn't get me the new XBOX 360 before the release date, so I had to play when it came out, like everybody else. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 2:54 PM   |
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