Monday, December 05, 2005 |
Stop ranking my nard. |
Isn't this an awkward picture!?!?!?! CLick on it and make it big. She has something weird goin on all up in her lip and eye region. Like someone photoshopped and made her lips bigger, and her eyes are really awkward. We came up for all types of names for stuff last night at our party. In addition to "awkward turtle" we now have:
Awkward Moose
Awkward Cow (moo!)
Awkward Arm
Awkward Lesbian (my personal fave)
and since we have Awkward Lesbian, we have to have
Awkward Gay
awesome. By the way mom and dad, I'm really gothic, in case you didn't know. (funny joke, you dont get it) |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:37 AM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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