Saturday, September 09, 2006 |
The Freaky Deaky Fifth Grade Twins Story |
This is how the story goes;
I have a friend named Shane Keller. We are friends on AOL Instant Messenger.
One day I get an IM from someone. Hee is how the email went:
kneeboard: hey do you know trey hanley? me: no, who is this? kneeboard: lol, omg this is lysette me: wtheck are you talking about? kneeboard: I have to go now, brb bye
So, like three days later I get an IM from the same person:
kneeboard:hey, so do you know trey? me: who is trey? kneeboard: he is my friend...i got his buddy list and you're on it, lol
*i have no idea who this person is, but the name "trey hanley" sounds vaguely familiar. I do a facebook check. None.*
kneeboard: what grade r u in? me: oh, I'm a sophomore. What year are you? kneeboard: im in the fifth grade
*at this point I'm like WHATS GOIN ON? Then I realize...*
me: are you from Coppell?
Then all the pieces come together. My friend Shane has a little brother named Trey. Trey is mischevious and hacked his AIM, and then gave it out to his little friends.
Unfortunately for me, Lysette has a twin sister named Lynette, and they tag team me (no, not in that way, you perv). They each have a computer, apparnetly next to each other, and they both IM me from the respective screen names, and IM me all hours of the night.I finally block them. And thats the freaky deaky fifth grade twins story. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 1:54 PM   |
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