Thursday, June 02, 2005 |
MSN - News - Lindsay Lohan Uninjured in Car Crash |
MSN - News - Lindsay Lohan Uninjured in Car Crash
What a funny title for a webpage?
Wouldn't it be like, "Lindsay Lohan not Killed in Terrible Crash Caused by her probable Intoxication?" It sounds like she was injured and then the crash unijured her and made her better. I don't see how she was unijured unless the crash miracoulously added 50 pounds to her body. She looks like an underfed waif. Anyway
Work is definatley better when its not an entire day. Really, I worked 5 hours yesterday and it was so much better. Were finishing the yearbook and its taking a while, so if you have things to finish (you know who you are) you need to come up to the school. Thats about it for me, Living Single is on, and thats my show.
Ciao |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:17 AM   |
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