Monday, June 06, 2005 |
Super Cool Thoughts! |
so im feeling kind of down because someone kindof (ok a lot) close to me hurt me kinda bad but the thing is, i dont even know if they realize it. its hard, because this person means a lot to me, but sometimes they are just so oblivious to everything...o well :(
Anyway, those of you who recieve the Villager, hopefully you saw my article on the front page of the education section. If not, I posted a rough draft of it earlier. Hmmmmm what else?
So ive been working on the yearbook for a while and i have to go in tomorow...really ealier. I work on tuesday (thats tommorow) from 5-10, Wednesday from 5:50- 10, and Thursday from like 11-4, and then Friday, MY PARTY....everybody should come its at 7, BYOB, that means bring your own beer. OK just kidding, dont bring any liqour to my house, there wont be...you know who you are.
In other news, does anybody read this thing? I know there are a couple of regular readers (Katti...hahahaha), but if you read this ever, just leave me a comment so I can know...that includes my friends (if i have any, bwahahaha.)
Night guys (well, not actually night - fresh prince then night - but def night somewhere in there) |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:02 PM   |
1 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
Yeah I read all the time dude..
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Yeah I read all the time dude..