
Friday, September 09, 2005
Me and da weave

Do any of you recognize this beautiful young lady? With the long flowing black hair? No? Well maybe you recognize this girl:Once I again, my Photoshopping skills come into great use as I illustrate one of the greatest problems in the black community: Weaves.

Having a weave is like watching TV or smoking a fat rock of crack; all in moderation. When you get to the point to where your hair is bleached and teased and weaved out like Beyonce's is currently, you probably want to beat up your hairstylist for messing you up. (by the way, I got (by the way, I got Beyonce's bad weave hair from this photo and the first photo is untouched, except for the background)

So I know you, my white audience is confused, but worry not! I have compiled a Dictionary for occasions such as this...DeAndre's Big Book of African-American Terms and References 3rd ed.*

I've taken the liberty of pulling a few pages from the book, if you don't mind.

# 456

A wig or toupee is a head of hair - human, horse-hair or synthetic - worn on the head for fashion or various other aesthetic and stylistic reasons, including cultural and religious observance. Some people wear wigs to disguise the fact that they are bald. Shakeedron was at the club last night, and woke up at 10:50 on a Sunday morning. She has no time to fix her hair before Sunday Service...what is a girl supposed to do? She slaps on a wig and no one is the wiser. You go Shakeedron!

# 89

Hair weaves, are a form of hair extensions, are a hair style. They provide a realistic look that imitates an often expensive hairstyle. There are many types of materials used to make hair weaves. The price often depends on the type and quality of material used. There are many different types of "weaves". Traditionally in North America they are most often worn by African Americans. Millenchonelle has her prom tommorow...unfortunately her kitchen is so nappy she can't even comb it! Oh, no! Millenchonelle schedules herself an appointment with her hairstylist, and 3 bags of Korean Hair #5 later, Millenchonelle has a style fit for a queen! You'd better work it, girlfriend!

So those are just excerpts from my book. It should be coming to you soon, everywhere where fine weaves are sold...and be forewarned...if I see you on the street and you have a bad weave..I'ma have to talk about you. I'm sorry, thats just nature.

*All this wonderful info is from wikipedia!

posted by DeAndre' @ 7:41 PM  
2 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it:
  • At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    why is this whole post about women's hair? you sound suspiciously like a hair stylist would. that freaks me out that any guy knows or cares that much to rant about it. hmmmm....

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger DeAndre' said…

    heehee...as a man I gotta know how much a girl is going to cost me before I date her...high maitenance girls have lots of weaves. Weaves mean money...as you can tell from the asteriks, all the real information about hair is from Wikipedia. (time for a shameless plug)Wikipedia is an exciting way to look up dictionary terms! Just go to Wikipedia and find whatever you need! Nah, the post is basically about my love for Beyonce but how I like her the way she used to look...before she became unbeweaveable.

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Name: DeAndre'
Home: Waco, Texas, United States
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