Wednesday, October 19, 2005 |
Me and Random Cheerleaders, Cheerleaders Everywhere! |
 Currently listening to What's Your Fantasy (Remix) by: Ludacris, feat. Shawna, Trina, and Foxy Brown
I seem to always get caught up in the weirdest things...ok, they may not seem weird to you, but to me, they are somewhat odd. Last week or so Mfrie, Bee and I were in Wal-Mar t, buying random things, and there was a girl kneeling down next to a case of Axe in her cheerleading outfit. And she was all "Hi! I'm an...AXE ANGEL!!!!!!" Where there is usually like the High School name was AXE. And she asked me, "Do you use AXE brand products?!?!" And I said.."Well....yes. Yes I do." And she replied, "Well, have you tried the new shower line? Get a whiff of this!" And she opene a bottle of the shower gel and held it under her noise and sort of moaned, "Mmmmmm," and then said, "Smell!" I did smell pretty good. Not really, "Mmmmmmmmm" good, but suitable.
Then last night I was meeting Bee out in front of Waco Hall to walk over to Sofie's, and while I was waiting, about 8 girls in Cow costumes come running out of Chapel. I'm not even kidding. Cow Outfits. Then they proceeded to stunt one of the girls, cheerleader style, into the air and then run back inside. Really.
So my last thought for the day may be disturbing to some readers. So I'll wait a minute while you tuck your children away and cover your eyes.
K, you ready?
Alright. This is to the guy on Martin 4 North who insists on using the bathroom #2 (like really, really bad number 2) in stall number 1 (the good stall) and not flushing it. The next time you are very rude and don't flush, you might not want to leave your wallet on the floor in front of the toilet, for now we know your identity and we know that yo booty is nasty. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 1:50 PM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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