
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
there are about 100 milliseconds between when the Glass falls and when it breaks.

100 milliseconds to think about what went wrong.

Good times.
laughter. the smile on a face.

Bad times.
pain. misplaced anger.

"Turn that frown upside down!"

100 milliseconds is too much. it gives too much time to think about what went wrong.

how to fix it.

the Glass is falling.

how to fix this Glass. this wonderful, perfect Glass.

what could I have done to keep the cracks from forming around the rim?

I tried so many different ways.

yelling. shouting. screaming.

shaming it until it refrained.

"Turn that frown upside down!"

still falling.

in 100 milliseconds, everything that this Glass represents will soon be broken.

shatters and shards of love lost and life lived.

no matter how hard I try, the Glass is still plummeting towards the floor, with the power of everything good and perfect pushing it.

with everything within me, I try.

I try so hard.

maybe there is still life in this Glass, maybe I can save it.

the Glass breaks.

-DeAndre' Upshaw October 11, 2005
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:40 AM  
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it:
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Name: DeAndre'
Home: Waco, Texas, United States
Who Am I?: This one time I decided that everything in my life would be in musical form. ANd everyone would automatically know the words and the choreography and sing on key. You see how well that turned out.
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