Friday, December 16, 2005 |
Why are you still talking!?!?! |
 Currently listening to New York, New York by Frank Sinatra
Here's what I don't get about my father. He has a 2004 Dell computer, a 5 month old Bose sound system (state of the are junk) a brand new Chrysler 300 in the driveway, and he still has dial-up. What up wit dat? I mean, he is a man of the 21st century. His phone cost a good $200+ (it is a workphone though) but still. I want cable dangit. Or even LAN. LAN would be nice. Luckily for me, this laptop has wireless, so I can secretly mooch off the next door neighbors, mu ha ha. The only thing bad about that is that I have to sit still in a certain spot (I just realized my room gets it GREAT) and if I move even a little bit, its shot to you know where.
For those of you who may not know, my laptop crashed. It crashed HARD. I have a sneaking supsicion its because I installed Service Pack 2. Oh, yes, I think that was it. I was stuck in a reboot loop, which is so horrible because your computer will boot, get to the welcome screen, and then restart. Even if you try in VGA, Safe, or any of those other modes. So I ended up going to the Student Bookstore and getting my 5 dolla student copy of XP and re-installing it. Nasty business. Lucky it was at the end of the semester and I really didnt need those papers and stuff, but all my pictures, my cherished photographs were now gone. Oh well, they are all online on The Facebook anyway.
You know that Family Guy episode, I actually think it was the first one, where fathers know automatically if someone touches the thermostat? I swear its true. I am a warm natured person, and it is almost always way to warm for me in the house, and I would change the thermostat, and instasntly he would know. He just called up and asked me if I had changed it, but I didn't. Maybe his fatherthermostatometer is messing up in his old age. Mu ha ha.
It seems as though beautiful supermodels who are now sort of chunky have grasped a hold of my life. The other day. Project Runway, and yesterday I watched an America's Ne xt Top Model marathon on VH1, and let me tell you, it was really good. I mean, I used to dislike Tyra for some reason (black people don't really need a reason not to like somebody) but now she is my homegirl. I started watching from the episode when she went off on that girl Tiffanie ("Shut UP! STOP IT! WHY ARE YOU TALKING!") all the way when Keenyah started gaining weight and Tyra informed her that they had to airbrush her picture more than anyone else's to get rid of her big ol' crossioint eatin gut.
I couldn't help but realize, though, that Tyra was lookin a little chunky herself. Not fat, but not supermodel thin, either, which I don't mind. She adressed it in a one on one with Keenyah when she was all "You have to learn how to go by the rules of the system...I had to, and now since I don't do runway anymore, I can let go a little, eat what I want. But you don't have that luxury."
The funniest thing to me, is when it was down to the last two girls, and they announced the winner. The girl who didn't win, Khalen, started weeping, and goin "Huh.....I could have done so much better! Agh!" Doesn't she watch American Idol? Doesn't she know that the runner up gets as much if not sometimes more as the winner? Even though she didn't win, she still got second OUT OF THOUSANDS OF GIRLS. I don't think any modeling agency is going to say, "Khalen, we were thinking of hiring you...but we noticed you came second on America's Next Top Model. I'm afraid we cannot hire you. Good day."
Thats all for now, but before I go...
 This is my best friend ever. Straight up, my road dog and I love him, he's my brother. This is from a play we were in during HS, and thats me in the left corner, the green one. See yall next time. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:14 PM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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