Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
Happy One Year! |
Well, in case you all haven't noticed, I haven't blogged for a good two weeks or so. While this is attributed to the fact that I am extremely busy, it can also be attributed to the fact that it is my 1st Blogiversary! Thats right folks, we are one year old today! Isn't that exciting! When I first started writing this, I was in the first semester of my senior year in High School, in good ol' Conroe Texas, and now I have moved to Waco, to be in Baylor University. Isn't that exciting! SO I shall now regale you with my very first entry, because I know no one wants to go back through the archives and find it :)
"Well, its Monday and my life is only slightly more on track when it was Friday. OK, a lot more on track. Aside from losing my keys, half my backpack, and a reference book i stole from the library (not really stole, but...never mind), I have an Economics test tommorow that I'm not ready for at all. (Exsperated sigh).
My life is so strange and odd. It shouldn't really be that stressfull and depressing seeing that I have what a lot of kids really wish for in high school (semi-popularity, extreme hotness [just kidding], friends, a homecoming crown, and load of other things) but I cant help but think that maybe theres more to life than this.
Ok, todays topic is ASHLEEEEEE SIMPSON
There's a German word for taking delight in other people's misfortune. I am going to have that word put on my tombstone. Way to flush any pretense of a career down the toilet, hag! After lyp-synching and then blaming it on her band, Ashley (I refuse to write down those insipid "ee"s again) is tanked. I really didnt like her in the first place, every time i saw her, she seemd to be like, "Hi, Im Ashley Simpson, you might remember me from my older and prettier sister Jessica. But Im not going to ride off her fame, oh no. Im completely un-Jessica! My hair is dark, and I am punk, so YOU KNOW i am totally unlike her. I will not pimp my sister JESSICA SIMPSON's name just to get ahead. I have my own talent! (cough)JESSICA SIMPSON(cough)
and thats all for todays rant
Im off to bed, guys. Editors meeting tommorow at 6:50 for all who care, and COME TO THE GIRLS B-BALL GAME tommorow. Its gonna be a good.
Also, Brett you are my best friend no matter what
MUSIC MOOD: Me, Myself and I, Destiny's Child"
Btw, cool website here. You can type in a website URL and it will show you what the page looked like years ago. Its funny to see how different Google used to look. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 11:56 AM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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