Wednesday, October 26, 2005 |
Me and Bedroom Boooooooooom |

Yeah, so we saw 4 Brothers last night...it was awesome....for 50 cents!!!!!! Here's us at the theatre.
At the beginning of the movie, this random dude just ran around the theatre, with his hands up screaming. Then he sat down with his friends and laughed. That was pretty odd.
The movie itself was really good, but as the final credit s were rolling, I realized one thing: The main characters are bad people.
There's been this trend recently in movies where there is sort of a blur between good guy/bad guy. *Possible Spoilers Ahead* I mean, in the first half hour, Tyrese and Mark Wahlberg kill these two guys, basically for nothing...well, it was for something, but they weren't really positive that it was something...you know what I mean. And theres this scene where Mark Wahlberg and Andre' 3000 go to this High School basketball game with guns, stop the game, and try to get info for their mother. Ok, I realize this was the projects (as someone who spent the former part of his life in the projects) but there are no policemen within 20 minutes of the high school. They are there for a good minute, and still no one even tries to stop them. They come in waving guns, and no one even leaves. They are just like, dang...i wanted to see the game.
Meh, ch eck out this pic of me.

OK, I posted this on tha Facebook, and people have been accusing me of changing my eye color with photoshop. While I do wear contact lenses (since the 5th grade baby), the contacts aren't blue, They are gray. I, unfortunately am very poor, so I wear my 2 week contacts for longer than two weeks. Much longer. This leads to the contact getting thinner and sort of changing colors. As you can see, my eyes are the same color in both photos, the only thing thats diff is that the one on the left is black and white cept for the eyes. I'm really cute tho, huh.
Today I took my camera to mentoring. We have such a grrreat time. Here's my mentee:

He's just like I was when I was little...except more, um, badder. The kids were supposed to go bowling today, but the bus broke down...they went wild. They were SO dissapointed. For more pics and pics like this, check out my Facebook Photobucket. Click on it. You know you want to. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:34 PM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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