Wednesday, November 09, 2005 |
Me and Face Excercises |
 Currently listening to: What A Mighty God We Serve by Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Choir
So I've been lo oking at my face lately, and I've decided that I need a cheek reduction. I wonder if there are any excercises that can make the fat on your face decrease. Hmmm, I need to check into the that. Like, if I flex my face several times a day, can it make a difference. I have eyebrow fat. Oh yes, eyebrow fat. I don't like it.
If you will observe this picture of me and mildly mortified Student Body President Mark Laymon, who I grabbed and said "Hey Mark take this pic with me", you will see the blue arrow points to the eye fat which I am talking about.
I love that girl in the background who decided to get in the picture. I didn't even realize she was there until I looked at this picture just now.
If you will observe the red arrow, that dude looks rather perturbed, like maybe he ate some bad shellfish or somethin. 
Now observe this pic which is currently my Facebook picture, where I think I look really hot, even though my hair isn't combed. See, the eyebrow fat isn't as prominent in this picture, and I look like I have a wonderful life, with lots of friends, and a hot wife/concubine.
Me and JL and Justin watched Coming to America last night, and I have to tell you, that is one of my most favoritest movies ever in the history of the world. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 10:03 AM   |
0 Put ya thang down flip it and reverse it: |
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