Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
Me and Friends! |

Currently listening to: Don't Let Go (love) by: En Vogue
So, I'm updating the site a lil bit (graphics and whatnot), and doing more writing. Yay! Isn't that exciting.
I basically have a new catch phrase, its "How exciting!" or "Isn't that exciting!". Were do I get catch phrases from? I have no idea, but I've been saying this one alot.
Shouts outs to all my friends, I love you guys. I just realized that, I know the coolest people. Like, seriously, if you don't know me, then you probably aren't cool, because every time I think I've met all the cool people, I find more! Isn't that exciting!
This weekend was tulmoutous. Almost as tumoultous as the fact that I cannot spell the word tumoultous. Lotsa stuff happened, and I think I'm going to join Carver Park pretty soon. The sermon was so on point, even though it was no where near the caliber of my daddy's :).
I hope all of yall are enjoying this En Vogue triple play. I've switched from HotCodez to Singin Fool because Hot Codez just stopped working on me, and I really like Singing Fool, it gives me a lot more options. For anyone who has stayed till the last music video on this playlist, isn;t "Whatever" the creepiest video? Like, its cut up mannicuiens (ok I just killed that word) and junk. Its so awkward.
Awkward is also a new catchphrase, which I've acquired from hanging out with David too much. Omg, this music video is really weird. Its so creepy. If you still haven't seen it, sorry, I don't know how to make it skip, just wait for the third video. Its so weird.
Anywho, check this ish out.
While America remembers Rosa Parks, some in North Lafayette are being reminded of Jim Crow. A whites only barbershop owner says it's not what you think. Or is it?
So this random old man has a "whites only" sign out front of his barbershop. You can read the entire story here.
Leger understands the sign could send a mixed message. "In today's life, I can see. People, especially your black people are not very broadminded," he says. Platinum Kuts owner Jason Walker says, "I feel it's ignorance, and it has no place.
Wow. And people at my school have the audacity to say that racism no longer exsists. That is not only blatant, its not even nice, and I know about nice, having been voted "Nicest" in my senior class (along with Most Respected and something else that I cannot for the life of me remember).
I really do like all my friends, I was serious when I wrote that. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:55 PM   |
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