Thursday, November 17, 2005 |
Me and The Lesbanons |

Currently listening to My Pony by Ginuwine
So there is this straight up lesbian in my mass comm class. For the first three weeks or so of school, I had always seen this dude and his girlfriend making out on one of the DTR benches, and I thought, how nice is that. They must really love each other, its nice to see that someone's relationship is working out. Then I realized that the dude was a girl.
Then I heard that the two girls room together in Russell. In a TRIPLE. How awkward is that for the poor roomate!
Last week in mass comm she wore a shirt that said, "The Homo Depot", like a Home Depot shirt, and it was bright orange. Then on Tuesday, she took it too far. Her shirt said,
Nas and tee. That's all I can say. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:38 AM   |
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