Saturday, April 30, 2005 |
Its Been a Long, Long Time Coming |
Been a while since my last post. Prom is here today and I am rather excited abouit it. Afterwards, our group is going to Galveston to a beach house and were going to have a hexcellent time. Did the Talent Show on Thursday, but the crowd at ORHS is so rude sometimes. They wouldnt clap for some of the performances even before they went on. And some were just SO bad...
So, prom is here and I am READY!!!!!!!
Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 12:32 PM   |
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 |
Yo soy tu papa |
Then I went to school, feeling slightly ill. I had a headache, and my eyes hurt actually. Then I, was really trying to go camping with Bret and Adam, like really, I wanted to go with them, but my parents were all, "We'll discuss it later". In the end, it turned out that brett read a forecast that it was going to rain tonight, so we ended up just watching Meet The Fockers at Brett's house. It was so much fu, It was me and Dominique, Brett and Shiree, and Adam and Katti. We had such a great time, I love em so much. We stayed until like 10:30 and had a good time. All of us guys are on the ticket for Prom King, even though technically (I think) Adam and I shouldn't even be eligible becasue we were on the Homecoming Court. Logistics, logistics. Anyways, tommorow were eating at some time and were gonna have a blast. EVERYBODY COME!
- DeAndre' |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:28 PM   |
Monday, April 18, 2005 |
I Know My Calculus |
I'm losing my hair
and my vision is shady
Last night I dreamt
of an over weight lady
But I need a young thang
to keep up with my pace
to hold me in her arms
and take me straight to second base.
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
Sing it Chad for me
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
Oh yeah, calculus...
Yeah, we're 2gether, we're 2gether
Girl, algebra, trigonometry
can never equal up to what you do to me
so, let's integrate
don't differentiate
If you were in my class
there's ain't no way I could pass I hate english, gym
& not to mention
I can't even afford to pay my attention
(can't pay my attention)
not even philosophy can ever come between us
but we will always have our calculus.
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
Calculus, calculus
Go go go go go
Ooh baby, oh lord
U me = us
Well I've never been good at history
& I don't give a crap about Robert E. Lee
When it comes to cosines, I know a thing or 2
& I kicked ass on the test about me & you
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
U, plus sign, me, equal sign, us
U, plus sign, me, equal sign, us
U, plus sign, me, equal sign, us
Girl, no subject comes close to you
2gether, sing it
I know my calculus
I know my calculus
it says u me = us
Say I know my calculus
it says u me = us
Calculus |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:23 PM   |
Two Hotties, Yes! |
Saturday night was actually a very interesting night, or actually, day. I woke up at 8:00 and watched a Girlfriends marathon on BET. 20 straight episodes of Diana Ross's daughter and her weird hair. Anyone else who watches the show can also back me up that she has this weird thing with v-neck shirts and dresses. She is ALWAYS wearing them to accentuate her chest or something, I don't know. So, I did very little, cleaned up about one, didn't have ANY food in the house so I made myself some hors'derves - Ritz crackers with pieces of cut-up lunchmeat, cheese, and BBQ sauce. It wasn't as nauseating as it sounds. So around 7-ish, 8-ish, I hooked up with Jake and we went on an adventure. Saturday night was the Academy Banquet and Jake's girlfriend, Arielle Marie Hill is, well, in the Academy. After the banquet we were all supposed to go to Anson Ngyuen's house (he lives on a freaking lake or something, i dunno, in The Woodlands) and so I drove all the way out to Jake's work which is down past Kuykehdal (sp whatever) and then we drove back to the Mariott, because we had been assured that the banquet would be over by 9. Well, it got to be 10:00 and the banquet still wasn't over. So, I was freakishly hungry, so we went to Chik-fil-a and I got an "Icedream" ice cream cone and a brownie. it was dang good. The grossest bug was on my neck, though. I killed it and jumped around a lot, as Jake looked on. So then we were still bored and waiting so we went to Target, because I had a card with like $6.00 left on it. So, me being the stupid person that I am left my wallet in the car so we didn't purchase anything. So were in there just looking at stuff to pass the time and then suddenly all the lights went out. Then this voice comes over and is all like, "Attention Target Customers. Target is closing". What kinda stuff is that? They could at least given us a warning that they were about to kick us out. I mean, something like, "The store is closing in 10 minutes" or "5 minutes" or even "Hurry up and chose which bed linen your going to buy because were kicking your A out." Just a warning is all. So after we got kicked out of Target we went across the street to the Marriott. We pulled up to the front of it, and there were all these girls in prom dresses but they were at some other function. This pale redhead girl who I SWEAR was like 15 years old walks up to the car and starts talking to Jake. I thought he knew her, but its obvious she was crazy. Here's the conversation:
CRAZY REDHEAD GIRL WITH THICK GERMAN-LiKE ACCENT(CRG): "Zhou two have rzhoom numberrrs, yes?" (You two have room numbers, yes?)
CRG: Zhoo Bahd Forrr Yoouuuu! (Too bad for you!)
(turns to her friends)
CRG: Zhoo Hotties in dis car, yas?! (2 hotties in this car, yes?!)
And then she ran off. What a crazy heifer.
So the banquet still wasn't over, so Jake and I went to Coldstone on Market Street and got some ice cream. We called every person that we knew in the Academy, but none of them answered. Finally the banquet let out and Arielle came to meet us at 11:05. Unfortunately my curfew was 12:00 and it took 30 minutes to get to and from Anson's house. Oh well. I had fun anyway.
MK, I'm gonna go pay some bills, ttyl.
-D |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:17 PM   |
I Don't Fight, I Don't Argue, I Just Hit That Chick Wit A Bottle |
So its been awhile since a serious blog occured, but lets try one now, shall we?
I have 15 minutes before I have to leave for church, so here goes.
Alot of stuff has happened to me in the past coupla weeks. We had the show, it went great, I'm glad its over. We struck today and I was in charge of my housecleaning, which is the Black Box, andthat was basically cleaning out all of it and sweeping and a little bit of painting. nSo this weekend, Crawfish Festival!!!!! I'm really excited its gonna be me and Domonique and Adam and Katti and some other cool people and is going to be off the heezy. Today I got my tuxedo for prom, its going to be pretty cool, but I have to figure out what to do with my hair now. I could either
(a) braid it
(b) dreadlock it
(c) twist it (like locks....but different)
or (d) cut it
I'm at the point where cutting it sounds pretty good but I'll have to think aboot it.
Lets see....what else?
So we got proofs back from Taylor Publishing, and it seems that Tragic 1 and Tragic 2 did their best to try and sabatoge our work so now we have to fix what they messed up and its going to take a little while.
lata, you-know-who you rock |
posted by DeAndre' @ 4:23 PM   |
Sunday, April 17, 2005 |
I'm sick of it |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:02 PM   |
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 |
Sitting here in the yearbook room and typing. Haven't really blogged in a bit, but, meh. We have stupid rehearsal today after school and I think an audience showing of the play. Ugh, I don't want to. I think I'm getting sick. Hung out last night with my boy and we did our Work Cited for the stupid English paper. Then I went and had coffee with Stphenie and some random man. It kept me up all night. SO tonite after rehearsal and church, I have to study for the stupid government test that is tommorow, and a stupid practice AP test in English. Stupid!
Show Thurs @ 7, and Friday @ 7
D-Money |
posted by DeAndre' @ 11:10 AM   |
This play for theatre |
Mk, this is the character outline for my play
Barishnakov Elijah
The Russian exchange student from Russia who has a heart of gold. He is new to school and very insecure about his lack of control over the English language. He tries to fit in at school, but he struggles, with the Americanized way of life. He is very handsome, but he doesn’t fit in at all.
Lysine Clemmons
The most popular girl in school, Lysine is also very crazy. She is a cheerleader and the star of the girl’s basketball team, because she is very tall. She is sort of a stalker, and is secretly in love with Barishnakov, but cannot show it because her clique hates him because he is “uncool”, and is going out with Jonathan Rivershire.
Kath Alejandra
One of Lysine’s henchwomen. She is vapid and shallow, and has the reputation of being very friendly with the guys. She is freakishly smart and has a rolly backpack. She is also on the cheerleading squad, despite her lack of co-ordination.
Staci Ferrera
Another one of Lysine’s “homegirls”. She is exactly like Kath and Lysine, because they are her idols. Unfortunately, she is really very stupid.
Cheyanne Johnson
She used to be a part of Lysine’s clique, but realized how dumb it was to make fun of people. She lives with Barishnakov because she is his host family. She is very beautiful and is the head of the cheerleading squad. She is Lysine’s mortal enemy, because Lysine’s ex-boyfriend, Todd, is Cheyanne’s brother.
Jonathan Rivershire
He is pretty cool, but is currently dating Lysine, even though she cheats on him and lusts after Barishnakov. Jonathan and Barishnakov become friends and are inseparable.
Nicholi Sabaro
Nicholi is Barishnakov’s best friend in Russia. They talk online and call each other, and Barishnakov misses him greatly. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:54 AM   |
Sunday, April 10, 2005 |
Body Kiss - The Isley Brothers |
So I was wondering, how can some news corporations manage to make everything sound bad and horrible? I was watching the O'Reiley factor at Brett's house because I didn't know how to change the channel and everyone else was upstairs, and I really don't like O'Reiley in the first place, because of the whole Ludacris thing, and I dislike his show even more. They made everything seem dubious and wrong. The headlines were things like "Pope Dead?" Prince Charles Married?" "Terrorists Alive?" and "Jacko Wacko?" this and more on the O'Reliey report or whatever. Anyway, we didn't advance on Saturday, yeah tear. No, it wasnt that traumatic, we still have two shows on Thursday and Friday, and then its over. Oh Well.
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:29 PM   |
Friday, April 08, 2005 |
Its about to be a...Girl fight |
So sitting here in the yearbook room, after our great and wonderful Pep Rally honoring the seniors and how great we are, and like 8 fights have just occured. Seriously, and now they've "locked down" the school and no one can leave class because its a "crime scene". Wtf, I really need to pee. Today is going to be such a great day. We are doing nothing in my classes (in English were watching Gulliver's Travels) and we have Tech at TWHS at 1:00. Then I'm hanging out with my boy and were gonna have an awesome time. Todays my dads b-day, Happy birthday daddy. Hi Katti. (There, are you happy ;)
Later, gotta go take care of some business, bye. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:12 AM   |
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 |
This is for the lover in you |
I was driving Kwoka home today from rehearsal when I got to the 4-Way stop on Richards, right, and I got to the stop sign, and the guy to the right got there about the same time, and even though technically I got there first, I realize that not everyone pays attention like me, so I waited for like 12 seconds for him to go. He doesn't so I start moving and then as soon as I get into the turn he tries to go, stops, then glares at me. Then he makes a "C" with his hand. Like Conroe Hig. It was so weird. Today iI'm in a squicky mood. I dont know why, but I think its because Im under a lot of stress, and even though I've been under it for a long time, now I just don't have the energy to act like I'm in a good mood. I'm not. I'm tired, lonely, and I feel somewhat depressed, but not in a major sort of way; it feels good to be like this for a little while, and not be fronting, so I may be like this for a little bit. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:23 PM   |
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 |
I just wrote this great blog about my week and then my browser shut down or something. I am in a bad mood now.
So, to make a long story short, we advanced, and I got another Best Actor Medal, rah-rah. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:12 PM   |
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