Thursday, March 31, 2005 |
Is it Just my Imagination |
Or is the whole world getting stupider.
I know what you are thinking, "Ha. He claims that the whole world is getting stupider, yet he uses such bad language as "stupider"".
Well, you would be right. We are all getting dumber. Lets go down the list of people in High School who are getting dumber.
(1) Those who insist on copulating in the middle of the hallway. Ganted, I know hormones are flying, but would it be possible if you would let them fly somewhere that is not outside my English Class. Speaking of *OT* I was at the Rehab Clinic, and we were all watching from the 2nd floor window (pretty high up, actually), Doctors and all, these two people making out in the parking lot. But the clincher was, that in the middle of their hot and heavy makeout session on her Honda Accord, her cell phone wrings. She is distraught. What is she to do? Discontinue her public peep show ( I know she saw us all staring at them from the window ) or keep going. Guess what she does. She has a conversation on her phone from the right side of her mouth as she nuzzles her boyfriend from the other side of her mouth.
(2) Random fighting People Who Don't Actually Fight. OK, lets get this straight first and foremost. We all know that somebody who fights at school doesn't really want a real fight, because if they wanted a real fight they would be fighting in the woods or some deserted alley. But if you are going to fight at school, make sure you actually FIGHT and don't just dance around. I love seeing fights, but if you could somehow coordinate them into your schedule and like, sent text messages to everyone so they would see, thatd be really cool. Because who wants to fight someone else if there are no witnesses?!?!
(3) The Academy Hallway becasue it smells like an odor that can only be characterized as nerd.
(4) People who insist on stopping in the hallway and having a full conversation and get mad at you when you push them down out of the way and then you get a refferal not that it happened to me but...
(5) The stupid underclassmen. Really, this kid shakes up his full Sprite bottle, opens it slightly, and then heaves it from the second floor. It hit some poor kid and sprayed all over him and probably ruined his day. This kid will now go on to be one of those sadistic world leaders who, when they get into power, plot to kill an entire state because when they were in High School, somebody ruined their outfit by throwing carbonated beverage onto it. After he destroys Texas, there will be news reports about how when he was younger, someone threw a bottle at him, and this ruined his life. He will have kept diaries, and there will be tearfully taped testimonies from friends and families that, "We should have seen the signs... I only wish that whoever threw that bottle knew that they were ruining someones life and forcing them to become a sadistric world leader who destroys the yellow rose of Texas and kills people *tear*".
More to come, hold onto your jammies. In the meantime, check out this site. Awesome. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:04 PM   |
The Letter D |
OK, so I'm thinking that I'm going to sue the cafeteria at school. They have these things called "Chicken Tenders" (yes - I'm sure you've heard of them), but the name is misleading, because they are anything but tender, and I'm not even sure that they are chicken. How 'bout we make it class-action. Who's with me? |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:42 PM   |
I'm Bored -
HAHAHAHA, this is a most funny site. You know no one likes a quick cig better than I (hahahahaha), but these sneaky little rah-rahs get some n ic on the sly. HIGH-larious. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:06 PM   |
happy |
So yeah, I'm pretty mecurial with the way I feel these days. For some ungodly reason I have nothing to do tonite. I just made some pancakes at like 6:30 and yes they were good. I'm such a good effing cook. I am positively rocking out right now, listening to some oldschool Babyface and feeling all good. I'll post the song later, its a duet with Mariah Carey. So prom has been pretty much sufficiently smoothed over, I think were gonna go with Brett (my best friend ever in the entire world) despite SOMEONE trying to poison that idea. Today we did Tech at Klein Collins and I sincerely hope we advance to the next level. The stage at Klein is, to put it mildly, a lot better than ours. It should be, since the school was built only like 3 years ago. THis is the school where that unfortunate girl in the basketball game goes. My sister is on a team with her, and I feel bad for her. So, that person I dislike is grating my nerves again. Oh yeah, at Hunstville I was totally being macked on by this short girl from Huntsville. She like, came up to our room and was like Hey, and then we talked for a while, and she was all up in my biscuits, yamean. Also from Huntsville, we got our new Yearbook Ad campaign, it looks like : A aheet of paper that says :
Who could forget faces like these?
and under it, a class section spread from an older yearbook.
and under that: You will. Order a yearbook now!
It looks so pimp, yes I am a genius for being able to completely steal something from another school, bwahahaha.
I was in sort of a weird mood today, for, I duont know, but I get pretty stressed sometimes. Between this play, managing yearbook, church, school (oh yeah, i forgot about actual clasess) I get really stretched quite thin.
Yeah thats aboot it for now, competition tommorow at Klein Collins at 5:00, come see it if you are so inclined. Itll be great if we advance. Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:40 PM   |
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 |
sad. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:57 PM   |
Sha-la-la-la-la |
Sitting here in the yearbook room and posting my first blog in a while. A lot has happened since Easter, we are back from Easter break and schools aiight. We went to Zone and freaking dominated We got like, all the awards and I got Best Actor, which is dadgum awesome. It was so funny, on the way back from Tech on Thursday, Pat and Jessie were like, "OK, we're going to buy the food for us (like during competition)", and I was like, "...Hold up. YALL are going to buy the food?", because Scott usually buys the food, and I was afraid...well, you know Pat. Lets just say I didn't want any special "additives" in my food. *cough*. Anyway, so me Brett is fat and Mandi were like, "Who wants us to go get food?" And everyone was like YOU! YOU! YOU!, so, we went to Wally World and picked up all this great junk, but then we got to the register and the thing was like $58.45. Unfortunately, we only had $50 and still had to buy ice. So we had to take out all the good stuff and stick with the basics. Not that bad, but meh. Eh, so on the days that we have competitions, we all have to be nice to each other. Pretty hard considering that I really don't like most of the people in the play. *sigh*.
Gtg work, and then Drs Appointment at 1:30. Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:40 AM   |
Sha-la-la-la-la |
Sitting here in the yearbook room and posting my first blog in a while. A lot has happened since Easter, we are back from Easter break and schools aiight. We went to Zone and freaking dominated We got like, all the awards and I got Best Actor, which is dadgum awesome. It was so funny, on the way back from Tech on Thursday, Pat and Jessie were like, "OK, we're going to buy the food for us (like during competition)", and I was like, "...Hold up. YALL are going to buy the food?", because Scott usually buys the food, and I was afraid...well, you know Pat. Lets just say I didn't want any special "additives" in my food. *cough*. Anyway, so me Brett is fat and Mandi were like, "Who wants us to go get food?" And everyone was like YOU! YOU! YOU!, so, we went to Wally World and picked up all this great junk, but then we got to the register and the thing was like $58.45. Unfortunately, we only had $50 and still had to buy ice. So we had to take out all the good stuff and stick with the basics. Not that bad, but meh. Eh, so on the days that we have competitions, we all have to be nice to each other. Pretty hard considering that I really don't like most of the people in the play. *sigh*.
Gtg work, and then Drs Appointment at 1:30. Lata |
posted by DeAndre' @ 9:40 AM   |
Saturday, March 26, 2005 |
Musings |
What if I made a candy or soda that was just for men? Like, you wouldn't be able to taste the goodness unless you had a Y chromosome. That would be cool. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:38 PM   |
Bad Commercials |
After reading that (see previous post), I'm gonna have to agree that commercials are really stupid. Like all the maxi-pad and tampon commercials. Do they really come out with new additions to them every week? I mean, no matter how much you advertise, people are still going to need, *cough*, you know... And those stupid Jamster commercials. "If you'd like to have naked woman made of ice on your cellphone, dial 35 553 right now". NO! Why would I pay you for that when I could illegally download it from the internet? Or that Bounty commercial where that weird Bounty man is making a cake in a kitchen and the announcer is talking all sexy? That is the creepiest ish I've ever seen, and I've seen some creepy junk. Right now, even as I tye, the stupid "Ice Breakers Liquid Ice Commercial" with Ugly Duff and Uglier Duff is on and its so insipid. I didn't work with Jessica Simpson (Who is far prettier), what makes them think itll work with the Fug Sisters?
HAHAHAHAHA, this is so funny. If any of yall have commercials you hate, leave a comment.
So funny. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:01 PM   |
| - Commercials that make me wish I were in a coma... |
OMG!!! Proof that the "Feminine Odor Commercial really exists!!!!!
"Come to think of it, though, a lot of the ads for over the counter drugs and personal hygiene products have gotten really inappropriate too. Ever seen the ad where the two women are in the maxi pad aisle at the grocery store and the pitchwoman chirps resolutely, "Feminine odor... nobody likes it." How does she know that? And why is she talking about it so loudly in a public place like the local grocery store?"
posted by DeAndre' @ 5:45 PM   |
Love |
Yes, when you're feeling lost in the night
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you, see you through
I'll be there, and there is nothing, I won't do
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yes yeah, yeah
I will shield your heart from the rain
I won't let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won't let you down
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress tall and strong
I'll keep you safe, I'll stand beside you right or wrong
Lay my life on the line, for you I will fight, oh
For you I will die, with every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my word, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me, put your faith in me
And I'll do anything..
I will
For You I Will - Monica |
posted by DeAndre' @ 4:35 PM   |
For You I Will |
So, theatre today, pretty gay. Hey, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it, hahahaha, I'm so witty. It was from 9 - 5 today and I think were pretty ready for competition on tuesday, but its just so boring. Thursday night, completely broken apart because my better half was out of town, so I was left to hang out with theatre people (I know - I was shocked too), but before that, I hung out at Blunk's house were I got the strange feeling that I wasn't welcome, so I left and went to Micah Stinson's house and it was pretty cool, actually. There are just a select few people that I don't like, and the college kids are pretty cool. They played poker, and we hung, and it was aiight. Then, yesterday after rehearsal (gay-uh, hahaha cheerspeak) I once again succumbed to the influence of theatre and after rehearsal went to Chipotle with Corey and Cecily and then played Ultimate Frisbee (which I vowed never to do again a coupla months ago - what happened to that resoloution?), and that once again was alright. Then hung with Arielle, Jake, and Mad Cow before going to my homies house and then we went to a movie, Guess Who, which was pretty good to me. I didn't even fall asleep! Shocking!
Today in rehearsal, Prahl and Godwin were like, "It seems as if you'all don't care...blah blah and whatnot", and the reason that it seems as if no one cares is because it isn't fun anymore. They are so strict this year and they think that its helping to step us up in the competition or something, but its just not fun. So, on Thursday, I was so hungry and there was nothing to eat in the house, so I warmed up some artichoke dip left over from my sister's birthday party. It was really gross, and I'm pretty sure it gave me a rash. My right forearm was completely red, and it itched, so that may be an indication of something.
Today Emma and I washed my car for the third time since I bought it a little over a year ago. I feel so accomplished.
I don't know...I should be apprehensive about going back to school, but I'm not. The only two real classes that I have are AP Govt and AP Eng, and we are reading all next week in Eng and Govt isnt really that hard.
So tommorow Sunrise Service at 6:00...I'm ready for it. Then Easter service, and I don't have to wear cute clothes or anything because we are singing at both services and we are wearing robes. And mine better have been washed, because whomever wore mine before me had it so funked wouldn't beleive.
OK, might blog some more later on, if not, See ya tommorow! |
posted by DeAndre' @ 4:07 PM   |
Thursday, March 24, 2005 |
Too Gone, Too Long |
So, not much has been going on with me lately. Tuesday I hung out with Arielle, Jake, and Elissa, pretty fun. We ate at Taco Bell, then hung out at Jake's house, pretty cool. Wednesday night, my mom made me run around all of Conroe and The Woodlands looking for some book for one of her friends at the church. Went to Hastings first, and you know they don't have jack, and then to Barnes and Nobles where I had to drive around for 23 minutes before I found a parking spot. Then I was supposed to meet up with Arielle and Jake before I went over to B's house, but my mother made me clean up, so that depleted a good bit of my time. Then at Brett's house we watched "Donnie Darko", a really weird movie. In case yall didn't know, I don't get weird movies.
So I have stupid rehearsal tommorow and I'm really dreading it. I have enjoyd so much not having to see these people everyday, but now my paradise is suddenly over. Eff. And I still have to write my stupid-A paper. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 12:25 PM   |
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 |
Its Gettin' Late, In the Evenin' |
So fun finally came my way yesterday in the form of Bretters, Gayrard and Bretts sister and her friend. We had a good time chillizin and doin other stuff, so you know that was off the heezy. In case you'all didnt know, I changed my AIM screename from ghettogreenrangr to redlemonznlimez. I just felt like change, if anybody wants to know why.
I finally sent in my deposit to school! I'm midly excited, but I've been doing my research on Baylor and they seem to be pretty strict (yes, I know it is a Baptist school) but most of the people I know that go there say it isn't really. Just stuff I guess. I'm (hopefully) bringing my car, so if the weekend is dead then its only about an 1 hour and 43 minutes to Austin, which isn't that bad, considering, and its only like 3 hours away from home, far enough to be far away while its still close enough, y'know what I mean?
Today maybe I'll hang out with Gayrard or Ploshee. Thatll be cool, and sometime this week I've gotta write my Eng paper. Stupid Ethan Frome.
Later, goodbye.
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:48 AM   |
Sunday, March 20, 2005 |
Old Navy! Old Navy! Old Navy Performance Fleece! |
So to whomever left me that comment, thanks. Todayat church it was Family and Friends Day, so that was pretty cool, even though it wasn't over till about 6. I'm watching Desperate Housewives after its 2 week hiatus, and I'm definately slightly confused. So here is my Spring Break Schedule (so you can see how loser-ish I am)
Monday - Hair Braided - 12
Tuesday - Nothing
Wednesday - Rehab -4
Church -6
Thursday - Choir Rehearsal - 7
Friday - THEATRE!
Saturday - THEATRE!
So call me and we'll hang, because I'm sure Ill be bored.
Nobody likes me.
Ok, hopefully thats not true, but I'm so bored sometimes. Last night my family and I went to the TSU track meet at Rice last night, and it was alright, but being packed in a stadium, standing room only, with black people all around is pretty exhausting. I felt bad for whoever had to clean that up, because there was so much trash, as we were leaving it looked like people sitting all over the seats.
So, I'm gonna go sit now and watch television. I'm so bloody bored. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:33 PM   |
Saturday, March 19, 2005 |
We bout to throw them bows.. |
Went and saw The Ring 2 last night with Bretters, Shiree, Mad Cow, Arelle and Jake. It was really not that good of a movie to me. I apologize to the people to the left of me, because I was snoring through some of it.
Oh well.
Gah, some people are just so weird. Freakin stupid theatre people, one of them I don't like (it wont be hard for those of you who know me to tell who this is) took out one of the props for the show, a package of sanitary napkins from the 99c store, took them out and started rubbing them all over his face and making this moany expression. HOW WEIRD IS THAT! He was like, "you just dont understand humor, and besides, these are clean". That doesn tmake it any better now does it? Just the act of doing that and thinking it was funny (while no one else did) made him even weider. He (lets just call him CAMERA PHONE) had the nerve to walk up to me in the lunch line and say, "Why can't we be friends", and I said, "BECAUSE YOURE CREEPY AND WEIRD"! really loud and everyone laughed at him. Then he kept "tiffing" with me all throughout production class and I feel really bad for him, because he's trying to play the dozens with me, and most people who do, don't get very far.
I'm going to my cousin's track meet tonight so that may be where I am.
SPRING BREAK!!!!! I'm not doing anything so invite me somewhere. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 12:06 PM   |
Thursday, March 17, 2005 |
Sittin' Here Lookin' Out the Window |
So I'm sitting here in yearbook and thinking about the drama that goes on in High School. Most of it is completely unnessecary, and dumb. The way that people get so involved in other people's business is so weird. I'm just going to make a resolution to completely stay out of other people's lives so that I never get to the point that some people do. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:04 AM   |
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 |
Its a Diet Coke with Lime thing |
I am almost 98% positive that they put something in Diet Coke with Lime/Lemon/ It is sooooo good, and I' abhorr all Diet drinks. My mom but like 4 12 packs of it, and it was gross at first, but then I got used to it and its sooooooo delicious. My bro just came home from school, and hes all like,
"Hey, DeAndre, do you like Diet Coke with Lime/Lemon?"
and I said
"Not at first, but after I got used to it..."
and he said
"I KNOW! It just goes down so SMOOTH"
Yeah, it was like a bloody Coke ad in my living room.
But that ish sure is good. I want one now. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:16 PM   |
!Blog this ish! |
Sitting here in shorts and a wifebeater and wondering:
Do the people eho make out in the hallways at school think that they are like the best maker-outers or something? It seems like they are practicing for a contest and the only way to win it is to open their mouths and chew on each others tonsils.
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:07 PM   |
Thursday, March 10, 2005 |
Bwah! |
I am
mwuhuhuhuhuhahahahahha, I'm bad. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 8:06 PM   |
Tuesday, March 08, 2005 |
Boo. |
This just in: Theatre is gay.
For anyone who doesnt realize this, you should probably move back to Mars, you stupid alien. They excpect people to completely change their lives fo the play, and while I'm all for being committed and alll that jazz, they are taking it way too far. And SOME of us (you know who you are) are taking it entirely too seriously *cough* suckups *cough*.
My week has been going alright, actually, but I'm so bored I don't know what to do with myself. I turned in my English paper early, got an 88, and my B in the class, and I don;t have any homework this week, like at all. That is so weird. I have nothing to do in the evenings either b/c Bretterick (yes, my master who controls my life ;) has other stuff to do. So I've been reading alot, and Instant Messaging, and being really bored.
Have you ever had somebody who you liked so much it was scary? Well I have. And not in like, a sexual way, but someone you admire so much. Yeah,....
Well, prom has rolled around, but the slight dillemna may be that my date wants to go in another group. Of course I'll compromise, but doesn't it make sense that since I'm paying for everything, that I should get to chose what goes on?
Meh, I wont obsess, cuz I'm 2 blessed 2 B stressed. Isn't that a fun rhyme????? |
posted by DeAndre' @ 7:10 PM   |
Sunday, March 06, 2005 |
Don't Let Go (love) |
I really love my friends. Really. No matter how annoying I get or, how hot I am (a joke -really) or how many times I accidentally ounch them in the face, they are still there, except, of course, for the ones who arent.
The plays going pretty good, moving along alright and its awesome when we dont have rehereal, but, to tell you the truth, they're burning me out (ha).
Desperate housewives is not on and I am dissapointed, so I am watching Iron Chef and the secret ingredient is scallops. I bet all the stuff those guys make is gross.
Talk to youall later, gonna go clean and junk. Lata. |
posted by DeAndre' @ 6:04 PM   |
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